Consent for blood transfusion resources

Monday, 16th September 2024 (
1 year 4 months ago

The United Kingdom and Ireland Blood Transfusion Network (UK&IBTN) has developed resources to support patient consent for blood transfusion for both patients and healthcare practitioners, as recommended in guidance published by the advisory committee for the safety of blood, tissues and organs (SaBTO) in 2020.

Two working groups were set-up to deliver this and in January 2023 the final output was signed off by the UK&IBTN and published on the Joint UK Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee (JPAC) ‘transfusion guidelines’ website.

Resources for patients 

Resources for healthcare practitioners 

Patient Involvement

Other Regions

(1 week ago)

The following NBTC documents have been reviewed by the national Transfusion Laboratory Managers Group and are now available in the NBTC Recommendations section 

Transfusion Laboratory Managers
(1 month 3 weeks ago)
(11 months ago)

The Transfusion 2024 hospital checklist is now available for you to download and amend to reflect the activities pertinent to your site.