To constitute a sub-committee of the Midlands Regional Transfusion Committee (MRTC), with specific focus on educational and training issues regarding blood transfusion for all hospitals within the Midlands region.
To provide direction for the MRTC on education and training matters
To support and promote Patient Blood Management
Review education and training to facilitate compliance with statutory initiatives e.g. BSQR and national recommendations e.g. Transfusion 2024 , SHOT.
To deliver (where funding allows) regional educational events on a range of transfusion related topics for all specialities within a hospital setting including an annual symposium for the region
To provide an educational session for the MRTC meetings
To provide and support a regional Non –Medical Authorisation course
To consider existing and emerging issues in transfusion practice and the educational needs associated with them, and the impact these will have on the healthcare providers and staff and patients
To promote and share good educational practice across the region
Multidisciplinary representation is encouraged, to include Transfusion Practitioners (scientist and nurse), a Transfusion Laboratory Manager and clinician, from all NHS Trusts, and private healthcare providers that partake in transfusion practice and representation from NHSBT.
The Chair may also extend invitations to other personnel with relevant responsibilities or expertise as necessary to deal with the business on the agenda.
Chair: Laura Walters, Lead Transfusion Practitioner, Worcester Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
Secretary: Deborah Booth, MRTC Administrator, NHSBT Barnsley
After each meeting a minutes and action log must be completed to accurately capture the discussion, decisions and actions agreed. The minutes and action log will be sufficiently detailed as to provide a clear audit trail of issues discussed. They will be circulated no later than 14 days following the meeting to afford those individuals enough time who have a responsibility to complete an action.
Minutes should be ratified at the subsequent meeting for accuracy.
Meetings require a quorate of 4 members (not including the secretary)
Meetings will be held quarterly, and dates will be provided for the calendar year in advance. Additional or extended meetings can be called at the request of the Chair subject to issues being identified. The meetings will be 2 hours in duration and held at a venue that is accessible to all members and/or via MS Teams.
Reporting and Accountability
Items to be placed on the agenda together with any supporting papers should be sent to the Secretary no later than 7 working days in advance of the meeting.
Correspondence in relation to meetings e.g., minutes, papers, room bookings, meeting invites and cancellations will be sent by the Secretary
The group is accountable to the Midlands RTT and Midlands RTC.
The group report on a biannual basis to the Midlands RTC.
Review Arrangements
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed to ensure they are up-to-date and fit for purpose every 2 years. This will include re-election of the chair and members
Date of Issue: 2nd May 2023
Review Date: 3rd May 2025