Helen is a state registered Biomedical Scientist (BMS) and started her career at NHSBT as a placement student in 2012. Helen secured a trainee BMS post working in Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI) where she specialised in Transfusion Science. After seven years working in the laboratory, Helen moved into the Patient Blood Management team as part of the Education workstream, this was followed by a project management role in Hospital Customer Services. She is currently supporting collaborative models for integrated transfusion services between NHSBT and hospital transfusion laboratories.
Helen is passionate about Transfusion Science and how working collaboratively can improve patient care. She is a member of the IBMS Specialist Advisory panel for Transfusion Science and is actively involved in supporting and promoting the role of the Biomedical Scientists.
Helen embraces new challenges and opportunities and is currently undertaking a Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship in Health and Care with executive MBA.
Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, walks with her dog, and has recently become a keen gardener.