The project had a target of 30 hospitals live with Fetal RhD electronic requesting and reporting by the end of the 2024/25 financial year.
We are pleased to announce that we now have 35 sites live, 27 on Winpath Enterprise LIMS and 8 on EPIC EPR.
The project had a target of 30 hospitals live with Fetal RhD electronic requesting and reporting by the end of the 2024/25 financial year.
We are pleased to announce that we now have 35 sites live, 27 on Winpath Enterprise LIMS and 8 on EPIC EPR.
Transfusion Practitioners – Virtual Workshops Start in Less Than 2 Weeks!
Our first virtual workshop, "Developing and Elevating the TP Role: From Reflection to Action," is fast approaching!
The 2025 Undergraduate Medical Degree Transfusion Medicine Survey was developed in collaboration with the T2024 Education Working Group, NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Patient Blood Management Consultants, and the UK and Ireland Blood Transfusion Network (UK&I BTN).
Catch up with the latest Patient Blood Management (PBM) update.
For all other things PBM please see following link
Please come along to one of the training sessions for RCI Assist – a referral support tool designed to guide hospital transfusion laboratory staff to either refer a sample to RCI or process the sample in-house.
The training session will cover:
A series of RCI Awareness sessions were held throughout January 2025. Thank you to all who attended and provided feedback. A link to one of the recordings is available to watch here.
A review of the activity that has taken place during 2024 for the East of England Region.
The NBTC Education Working Group will put forward topics each year for the Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) rolling programme of national virtual education sessions.
The development of a Transfusion Practitioner Framework is well under way.
A lot of work has been going on since Nov 2023.
When Haemoglobinopathy Meets Neurosurgery: Learning points for the clinical team.
Perioperative implications of Sickle Cell Disease in neurosurgery and the use of automated red cell exchange as a tool to facilitate time sensitive surgery. Won poster prize at BBTS Annual Symposium 2023.
Please note that this event on the 4th November 2024 has been postponed and will be rescheduled in the future. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
The PBM team are delighted to share that the QS138 Quality Insights team have been awarded the 2024 Bill Chaffe Unsung Hero Award by the British Blood Transfusion Society.
An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place at this years SHOT symposium.
An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place! 2nd place was also awarded to the T2024 team for the ongoing development of Fetal RHD screens e-requesting and reporting.
Jennifer Rock, alongside Wendy McSporran (Advanced Transfusion Practitioner) delivered a presentation at the BBTS conference 'A Transfusion Practitioner Professional Development Framework, how will it benefit transfusion practitioners today and in the future.' Presenting on behalf of the transfus
The following NBTC documents have been reviewed by the national Transfusion Laboratory Managers Group and are now available in the NBTC Recommendations section
The educational sessions from the Emergency Planning Working Group event held on the 15th May 2024 - Are you Prepared for a Major Incident are now available to view.
The National Blood Transfusion Committee has produced this template checklist detailing each of the transfusion-related subpoints relevant for hospitals within Recommendation 7 of the IBI Report. https:
Following requests from hospital laboratories and Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) / Hospital Transfusion Committees (HTC) for support in responding to the transfusion-related recommendations of the Infected Blood Inqui
A free, ‘one stop shop’ of valuable transfusion resources.
In light of the current Amber Alert status for O negative and O positive red blood cells, the Patient Blood Management (PBM) Team have developed a quick reference guide to clinical resources available to support the implementation of PBM recommendations, supporting the safe and a
We have recently held two successful national education events:
Incident Management and Effective Root Cause & CAPA, 12.06.24
Transfusion Still Matters, 02.07.24
The South East RTC hosted a very successful Education Event - Major Haemorrhage and Bleeding.