Collaborative Transfusion: Where Science and Medicine Meet

Wednesday, 8th November 2023
Dr Amy Brown, SpR, Imperial College NHS Trust
Dr Cath Booth, Consultant Haematologist, Barts Health/NHSBT
Dr Michelle Escobedo-Cousin, Consultant Haematologist, University College London NHS Trust
Joanne Matthews, National Frozen Blood Bank, NHSBT
MS Teams

Registration for this event is now open.    This is a free virtual event open to any clinical or laboratory staff with an interest in transfusion.   Flyer is also attached for further information.

Link to register:


QR code to register                                      




4th September, 2024 (Wednesday)(In 6 hours)
East of England
9th September, 2024 (Monday)(In 5 days 6 hours)
10th September, 2024 (Tuesday)(In 6 days 10 hours)
Registration is open - via the following link you registered for the "original" date, you do not need to re-register (your details have been filed).