Transfusion 2024 Virtual Event

Monday, 16th September 2024 (
1 year 4 months ago

This event is now open for registrations. Transfusion 2024 aims to improve transfusion safety and outcomes for patients though a range of exciting projects. This is an invitation for you to learn more about the NHSBT Transfusion 2024 projects, the progress made to date and the next steps. This is a two-part event, with a morning session and afternoon session. 

Transfusion 2024

Other Regions

(1 month 3 weeks ago)

The South East RTC hosted a very successful Education Event - Major Haemorrhage and Bleeding.

South East
(3 days 5 hours ago)

Come along to see Jen discuss one of her Transfusion 2024 deliverables 'A Transfusion Practitioner Professional Development Framework, how will it benefit transfusion practitioners today and in the future.'

(1 month 1 week ago)

Following requests from hospital laboratories and Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) / Hospital Transfusion Committees (HTC) for support in responding to the transfusion-related recommendations of the Infected Blood Inqui