The South East Annual Activity Summary reflects the successes, achievements and some of the challenges from the past year

Friday, 26th July 2024 (
1 year 3 months ago

It’s good to celebrate, in a year where we consolidated the hard work achieved in 2021 following our amalgamation. We have continued to share best practice and support each other across all transfusion disciplines despite the many challenges within each hospital, not least the first ever Amber Alert red cell shortage. This saw transfusion teams across the region work alongside colleagues to manage blood use, reduce stock holding and orders – thank you for your very positive response.

Howard Wakeling, SE RTC Chair

South East

Other Regions

(5 months 1 week ago)

The East of England RTC hosted a very successful virtual education event - Mums, Babies and Blood.  Subjects covered throughout the morning included blood groups, massive haemorrhage, fetal DNA, Anti-D, haemolytic disease, anaemia, patient sampling errors and case studies.

East of England
(3 months 3 weeks ago)

The South East Annual Activity Summary celebrates the achievements and successes, but also reflects on the challenges from the past year - 2023.

South East
(2 months 3 weeks ago)

The new education resource, Blood Essentials, the replacement for A Drop of Knowledge and A wealth of knowledge is now available on the hospitals and science website.
