C1 - Updates

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February 2023 - C1


Link to NHSBT IT work

NBTC representation on SHOT SCRIPT working group


BSH IT guidelines and UKTLC standards are expected soon, Pathology Network guidance document has been drafted – is a collaborative effort including SHOT – is expected to be published on the RCPath website once approved. 

Transfusion IT toolkit is being planned 

Next steps and timeframes

UKTLC standards releasing soon

C1 - b

Pilot electronic requests for NHSBT reference laboratory tests


October 2024-

Addenbrookes and North Manchester General hospitals live on EPIC

Black Country Pathology Services live on Clinisys WinPath Enterprise

November 2024-

East and South East London Pathology Partnership live on Clinisys WinPath Enterprise

Next steps and timeframes

A target of a total of 30 sites live by the end of March 2025

A target of a total of 65 sites live by the end of March 2026

Work with other LIMS/EPR providers to develop this functionality in their systems- ongoing

Roll out to RCI and H&I NHSBT laboratories- ongoing