Develop and implement a national competency framework for Transfusion Practitioners

Project A2-b-Develop and implement a national competency framework for Transfusion Practitioners

Project leads: Dr Suzy Morton, Consultant Haematologist & Transfusion Education Lead / Jennifer Rock, Education Lead T2024

The framework for TPs has been included as a T2024 deliverable based on feedback from TPs.  TPs and NHSBT recognise the requirement for a framework that will guide the TP throughout their career and provide a structure that demonstrates the importance of the role to the patient.

Jennifer is working with a steering and working group.  The groups consist of TPs from different professional backgrounds, bands, team and trust size.  The working group designed and distributed an initial TP survey to capture team sizes, professional backgrounds and additional support available for TPs.

On review of the feedback from the survey and from the TPs themselves the working group and the National Transfusion Practitioner Network will continue to work together to ensure the successful co-development of the Professional Development Framework for TPs.

Details of the steering group and working group can be found on the update section.