IBI Template Response Document

Friday, 17th January 2025 (
5 months 1 week ago

Following requests from hospital laboratories and Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) / Hospital Transfusion Committees (HTC) for support in responding to the transfusion-related recommendations of the Infected Blood Inquiry, the National Blood Transfusion Committee has produced this template checklist detailing each of the transfusion-related subpoints relevant for hospitals within Recommendation 7 of the IBI Report.  RTCs, HTCs and Hospitals are welcome to use this as a starting point for considering their own response to the Inquiry recommendations.  Formal responses to the IBI report is being led by NHSE and will be shared as these become available. 

Please click the link to access: https://nationalbloodtransfusion.co.uk/recommendations


Other Regions

(11 months ago)

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