NE&Y Regional Transfusion Committee meeting

Thursday, 25th July 2024 (
1 day 8 hours ago

Our next Regional Transfusion Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 13 November 2024 1pm to 4pm. 

For more information please contact 



North East and Yorkshire

Other Regions

(2 months 3 weeks ago)

See the latest May report for all things PBM.

(9 months 2 weeks ago)

The Transfusion 2024 hospital checklist is now available for you to download and amend to reflect the activities pertinent to your site. 

(5 months 1 week ago)

The final project report for the use of O D positive red cells in adult males in trauma/major haemorrhage is now available on the Hospitals and Science website. Please click the following link to access:
