Sharing Best Practices

Tuesday, 11th February 2025 (
3 months 2 weeks ago

Perioperative implications of Sickle Cell Disease in neurosurgery and the use of automated red cell exchange as a tool to facilitate time sensitive surgery.  Won poster prize at BBTS Annual Symposium 2023.

Attachment Size
Poster-1-BBTS-2023.pdf 427.5 KB
North West

Other Regions

(4 months 1 week ago)

An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place at this years SHOT symposium.  

(11 months 3 weeks ago)

The East of England RTC hosted a very successful virtual education event - Mums, Babies and Blood.  Subjects covered throughout the morning included blood groups, massive haemorrhage, fetal DNA, Anti-D, haemolytic disease, anaemia, patient sampling errors and case studies.

East of England
(2 months 3 weeks ago)

The NBTC Education Working Group will put forward topics each year for the Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) rolling programme of national virtual education sessions.
