Inventory Management - Online Education

Online Education

NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Blood that is rare - Who, What and Where?
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Managing O Negative red cells in Hospital Transfusion Laboratories
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - O D Positive to males in trauma
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Transfusion laboratory emergency preparedness, response and contingency plan activation
NHS Blood and Transplant - London RTC Education session - McLeod phenotype and sourcing rare units
South East RTC - Transfusion Bites - Reducing platelet wastage by increasing stock levels
South East RTC - Transfusion Bites - Stock sharing across a multi-site trust