Pre-transfusion essentials - Online Education

Online Education

National Blood Transfusion Committee Rolling Programme of Education
National TP Symposium 2023 - Patient Blood Management on post natal ward
National TP Symposium 2023 - Perioperative management of Jehovah's witness patients undergoing cardiac surgery
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Advances in Information Technology in Blood Transfusion
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Daratumumab: Implications in pre-transfusion testing
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Transfusion, gender and the guideline gap
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - various topics
North West RTC Education event - Clinical pathway management for anaemia
North West RTC Education event - Critical transfusion triggers in emergency care