The Education Working Group (EWG) is a sub group for the East of England RTC. The EWG will oversee educational activities for the East of England region which will also be made available nationally. The EWG will look at current gaps within education and will work to provide education sessions to fill these gaps.
Outcome measures
- Co-ordinate education events for clinical staff including but not limited to medics, TPs, BMS, midwifery staff groups
- Link education resources with the East of England deanery
- Maximise input by making education events available nationally
The EWG will consist of NHSBT / Hospital members from the East of England RTC region. This will include but is not limited to:-
- Consultants • Anaesthetists • TLM’s
- TP’s
Term of Members
- Membership will be reviewed by the committee every 2 years.
- New members will be welcomed to the group
Working Arrangements
- The EWG will be accountable to, and reports to, the East of England RTC
- The EWG will repot back to the NBTC Education Working Group
- The meeting will be chaired by Dora Foukaneli, Consultant Haematologist
- The RTC Administrator will provide secretarial support for the meetings and will take minutes.
- The EWG will meet every 8 weeks initially. This will be reviewed and amended as needed by the group
- Meetings will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams
- Minutes of the EWG will be circulated to the group and available on request
The Education Working Group terms of reference will be reviewed every 2 years
East of England EWG Terms of Reference V1 April 2022
Review Date: EWG April 2024