News for Education

( 4 months 1 week ago )
The NBTC Education Working Group will put forward topics each year for the Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) rolling programme of national virtual education sessions.
( 1 year ago )
The Pathology Portal is a fantastic new educational resource for trainees, practising pathologists, scientists and those in pathology-linked roles.
(5 months ago)

Perioperative implications of Sickle Cell Disease in neurosurgery and the use of automated red cell exchange as a tool to facilitate time sensitive surgery.  Won poster prize at BBTS Annual Symposium 2023.

North West
(1 month 1 week ago)

Catch up with the latest Patient Blood Management (PBM) update. 

For all other things PBM please see following link

(8 months ago)

The South East RTC hosted a very successful Education Event - Major Haemorrhage and Bleeding.

South East