Haematology & Trauma Group Terms of Reference


The Haematology & Trauma Group supports the London Major Trauma System and was originally set up as a sub-group of the London Regional Transfusion Committee which reports to the Chief Medical Officer’s National Blood Transfusion Committee. The group is also a specialty group of the London Major Trauma Operation Delivery Network (ODN) Steering Group and supports that group through the provision of an annual report; hence contributing to the Trauma Governance framework.

The London Model for ODNs

There are four ODNs for Major Trauma in the capital covering the following areas:

  • Northwest London Trauma (major trauma centre at St Mary’s Hospital)
  • Northeast London and Essex (major trauma centre at Royal London Hospital)
  • Southwest London and Surrey (major trauma centre at St George’s Hospital)
  • Southeast London Kent and Medway (major trauma centre at Kings College Hospital)

Purpose of the Haematology & Trauma Group

The key remit of the group is to support a consistent approach to delivery of care by Transfusion Teams across all London Major Trauma Centres within the four trauma networks. This has been expanded to include John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, Addenbookes in Cambridge, The Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, Southampton General Hospital and University Hospitals Plymouth.

Some areas for review in the meeting are likely to fall into the following broad categories:

  • Peer group review of local protocols and care pathways at least once per year
  • Discussion of local mechanisms for meeting local (London) and nationally agreed care standards, NICE guidance and other national and local policies.
  • NHSBT development plans which are relevant to the provision of components and products for major trauma

Objectives of group

  • Share good practice and guidelines in relation to transfusion support for trauma services.
  • Develop and undertake audit projects of trauma transfusion practice.
  • Support education and training across Trauma networks
  • Support the free exchange of processes developed for co-ordinated transfusion support as part of emergency planning
  • Promote implementation of evidence-based practice
  • Interact with pan-London and national research infrastructure to support clinical research and participation in multi-centre clinical trials in trauma associated transfusion
  • Support development of epidemiologic, public health and health services research related to trauma and the provision of transfusion services.

Membership of the Haematology & Trauma Group

The group consists of representatives from hospital transfusion teams (haematologists, TPs, and transfusion laboratory managers), HEMS, and NHSBT. Other stakeholders may be invited. It is expected a key representative from each MTC will attend the meeting or send a deputy to give an update to the group secretary at the meeting or in writing. For the purpose of clinical governance please ensure the details of the deputy are sent in advance to the Administrator to ensure admittance to meeting. Members who fail to attend 3 consecutive meetings will be taken off the membership list automatically on the assumption that they no longer wish to attend the meetings or have changed job roles.

Conduct of meetings

  • Meetings are held four times each year
  • Attendance can be face to face, or via Microsoft team meeting

Update June 2022