London Platelet Action Group - Terms of Reference


At the May 2011 London RTC business meeting, a session was presented updating the RTC members on the Blood Stocks Management Scheme (BSMS) data specific to the London RTC. Following on from this meeting it was agreed to set up a specific action group considered the appropriate use of platelets in the London region.

The terms of reference were reviewed in October 2019 and it was agreed that the issue of inappropriate use of platelet remains a problem in the region. The group is still required to drive appropriate use initiatives, and reduce waste regionally.

Purpose and Responsibilities

The aim of this group is to focus on appropriate use of platelets and to consider ways to reduce platelet wastage in the London region. In addition to the use of BSMS data, the group will consider regional and national audit and survey data in order to inform the development of strategies. The group will be responsible for promoting best practice surrounding platelet usage in the region with respect to ordering, stocking, requesting, administering and reducing wastage. The group will develop and share tools and resources pertinent to both clinical and laboratory staff.

Ways of working


The London RTC Region


The group will report into the National Platelet Group and the London Regional Transfusion Team.

Action plan

The group will continue to develop and complete an ongoing action plan.

Frequency of meetings

The group will plan to meet 3-4 times annually dependant on regional activity at the time.


The membership will be drawn from the Regional Transfusion Committee. It should include representatives from NHSBT Patient Blood Management Team, and key clinical and laboratory staff from London hospitals where usage or wastage is high. The chair will be voted from within the group, the deputy chair will be a representative from NHSBT.


In order to be considered Quorate the following must be present:

  • Chair
  • NHSBT representative
  • Representative from at least 3 key hospital groups (detailed above), this can include the chair.