Terms of Reference for Patient Blood Management


Patient Blood Management (PBM) is a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to optimising the care of patients who might need a blood transfusion. It represents an international initiative in best practice for transfusion medicine. It is a long-term approach requiring resource and investment. The aim of PBM in England is to build on the success of the ‘Better Blood Transfusion’ HSC initiatives but with an emphasis on improving patient outcomes through blood avoidance and the use of alternatives to transfusion where possible.

PBM was launched as a collaborative initiative in 2012 between the National Blood Transfusion Committee (NBTC) and NHSBT. In July 2014, the NBTC produced national recommendations for the implementation of PBM in hospitals. This working group was set up following the launch of the PBM initiative.

The group will continue to keep oversight of various PBM related activities with updated recommendations following the Transfusion 2024 Symposium held in March 2019.


To provide a high-level steer on the direction of PBM in England.

To support the development of evidence for Patient Blood Management initiatives, through audit and research at local, regional and national level.

To work with key stakeholders to provide recommendations to the NHS for the implementation of Patient Blood Management

To monitor progress in the implementation of Patient Blood Management.

To support the work of other groups for the development of guidelines relating to Patient Blood Management including the appropriate use of blood components

To provide a joined-up approach to improving transfusion care; the Chairs of the Patient Involvement Working Group, the Education Group and the PBM Self-Assessment group will report to the PBM Working Group. Whilst the Anaemia sub group has now been disbanded, the PBM Working Group will continue to promote efforts in improvement of practice in this area.

Expected Output

To promote implementation of Patient Blood Management initiatives across all clinical disciplines

To work with NHSBT to engage with stakeholders at a strategic level and contribute to a high-level transfusion symposium every 3-5 years which will provide the context for the PBM strategy.

To support NICE in its implementation of guidelines and quality standards.

To conduct surveys on the implementation of Patient Blood Management including the PBM and NICE guidelines and quality standards and promote continuous quality improvement as part of self-assessment by hospitals.

To benchmark the progress of PBM implementation from a regional, national and international perspective.

Ways of working


The NBTC PBM Working Group will be represented at the NBTC meeting and the Executive Working Group meeting

The NBTC PBM Working Group will submit reports to the main meeting of the NBTC.

Service Level

Dates for meetings will be set for twelve months in advance, every six months. 


  • NBTC Chair (Chair)
  • NHSBT PBM Clinical Lead (secretary)
  • Chair of Patient Involvement Working group Chair of Education Working Group
  • Clinical Lead for National Comparative Audit Chair of PBM Self-Assessment working group Chair of RTC Chairs
  • RTC Chair representative
  • Chair of Transfusion Laboratory Managers Group SHOT Medical Director
  • Transfusion Practitioner (BBTS Rep)
  • Patient Representative
  • Consultant Anaesthetist
  • Consultant Haematologist
  • Other clinical disciplines to be co-opted as needed NHSBT National Lead: PBM Team
  • NHSBT Assistant Director Customer Services
  • NHSBT PBM Operations lead/Development manager