South West Regional Transfusion Practitioners Group - Terms of Reference

Aims/Remit of the group

1        Aims/Remit of the Group

  • Promote safe and effective transfusion practice.
  • Promote the sharing of good practice across the region.
  • Promote the sharing of learning experiences from both good practice and incidents/events/near misses.
  • Reduce professional isolation by encouraging networking and mutual support, including additional support for newly appointed Transfusion Practitioners.
  • Promote the role of the Transfusion Practitioner locally, regionally and nationally.
  • Provide educational information / opportunities for Transfusion Practitioners.
  • Give feedback from local and national study days, conferences and regional meetings and discuss implications for practice.
  • Represent the voice of Transfusion Practitioners at the Regional Transfusion Committee meetings.
  • To provide regional Transfusion Practitioner representation on national groups and to feed back to the regional group as required.
  • To, where possible, standardise the approach to implementation of new guidance/initiatives/education thus supporting regional transference of knowledge and skills as well as the transference of evidence of these.
  • To work with the SW RTC in the implementation of new guidance and safety initiatives.
  • To actively seek information and guidance of existing and new treatments, processes and procedures as individuals and as a group to ensure continued practice development and improvement.

2        Membership

Membership of the group is open to Transfusion Practitioners, all health care Professionals working in an equivalent role and National Health Service Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Better Blood Transfusion team/Hospital Liaison staff within the South West region. 

Outside speakers and other staff are welcome, by invitation only, with discussion of clinical issues and incidents remaining confidential within the forum members only.

Members of the group agree for their professional details (name, place of work and email address) to be shared on the SWTP SharePoint page.

3        Frequency and location of meetings

Meetings will be held every six months unless agreed otherwise by the group. They will be held in a central location of the region to facilitate attendance from across the region. This may be varied at the discretion of the group. Virtual meeting platforms will be utilised to facilitate and encourage attendance. Informal meetings will be held in between.

4        Chair and Vice Chair

Chair to be in post 3 years with a review / discussion at this point regarding expressions of interest for a new Chair or reappointment / extension of existing Chairs term.

Vice Chair to be in post for 1 year with a review / discussion at this point regarding expressions of interest for a new Vice Chair or reappointment / extension of existing Vice Chairs term.

The Chair is responsible for booking the venue, securing sponsorship as required, the production and distribution of the agenda, identifying and keeping a list of attendees/apologies received and notifying the venue of expected numbers 48 hours before the meeting. NHSBT staff are excluded from chairing the meeting but may provide support with contacting the group. The chair is also responsible for summarising the actions of the Transfusion Practitioners group meeting at the following South West Regional Transfusion Committee (SWRTC) meeting and providing an update to the National TP Network (NTPN). If the assigned Chair is unable to fulfil any of these roles, it is their responsibility to ensure they are met by the Vice Chair or an appropriate representative.

The Vice Chair will be expected to perform all the Duties of the chair if the appointed Chair was unable to fulfil any or all of their role at short notice from the end of the previous meeting. 

5        Document control / sharing

Microsoft SharePoint is used by the SWTP group as a platform, with access granted by the RTC Administrator, Chair of the SWTP group and/or NHSBT PBM Practitioner.

Members of the group can discuss, share and access information on this platform. The members agree that any documents / policies / information on SharePoint platform are accurate at the time of posting.

6        Minute taking

Neither the Chair nor Vice Chair is responsible for taking the minutes. This duty is facilitated by the NHSBT RTC Administrator, and in their absence is rotated amongst the members.

7        Quoracy

The formal meetings will be quorate providing a minimum of 8 South West RTC trust / organisations are present at the meeting. Informal meetings held in between are not subject to these conditions.