News for North East and Yorkshire

( 7 months 3 weeks ago )
A free, ‘one stop shop’ of valuable transfusion resources.
( 1 year 10 months ago )
The North-East and Yorkshire RTC End to End Transfusion IT survey report is now available.
(8 months ago)

The South East RTC hosted a very successful Education Event - Major Haemorrhage and Bleeding.

South East
(5 months 4 weeks ago)

An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place! 2nd place was also awarded to the T2024 team for the ongoing development of Fetal RHD screens e-requesting and reporting. 

(4 months 3 weeks ago)

The development of a Transfusion Practitioner Framework is well under way.

A lot of work has been going on since Nov 2023.

National Transfusion Practitioners Network