News for North East and Yorkshire

( 4 months 2 weeks ago )
A free, ‘one stop shop’ of valuable transfusion resources.
( 1 year 7 months ago )
The North-East and Yorkshire RTC End to End Transfusion IT survey report is now available.
(4 months 2 weeks ago)

A free, ‘one stop shop’ of valuable transfusion resources.

North East and Yorkshire
(10 months 1 week ago)

The final project report for the use of O D positive red cells in adult males in trauma/major haemorrhage is now available on the Hospitals and Science website. Please click the following link to access:

(1 month ago)

The NBTC Education Working Group will put forward topics each year for the Regional Transfusion Committees (RTC) rolling programme of national virtual education sessions.
