NHSBT Deliverables - News

(1 month 2 weeks ago)

Come along to one of the free online sessions and see how to use RCI Assist - a referral support tool which is designed to guide the user as to whether to refer a sample to NHSBT's RCI laboratory or process the sample within the hospital transfusion laboratory.

(3 months 3 weeks ago)

An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place at this years SHOT symposium.  

(3 months 3 weeks ago)

An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place! 2nd place was also awarded to the T2024 team for the ongoing development of Fetal RHD screens e-requesting and reporting. 

(4 months 1 week ago)

Jennifer Rock, alongside Wendy McSporran (Advanced Transfusion Practitioner) delivered a presentation at the BBTS conference 'A Transfusion Practitioner Professional Development Framework, how will it benefit transfusion practitioners today and in the future.' Presenting on behalf of the transfus

(1 year 8 months ago)

This event is now open for registrations. Transfusion 2024 aims to improve transfusion safety and outcomes for patients though a range of exciting projects.