News for Transfusion Laboratory Managers/TADG

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(8 months 1 week ago)

Transfusion 2024 introduces the new Transfusion Training Hub, specifically designed to support education and training for all healthcare professionals working within Blood Transfusion and for anyone wishing to increase their transfusion knowledge.

(10 months ago)

The East of England RTC hosted a very successful virtual education event - Mums, Babies and Blood.  Subjects covered throughout the morning included blood groups, massive haemorrhage, fetal DNA, Anti-D, haemolytic disease, anaemia, patient sampling errors and case studies.

East of England
(2 months 3 weeks ago)

An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place! 2nd place was also awarded to the T2024 team for the ongoing development of Fetal RHD screens e-requesting and reporting.