East of England Transfusion Advisory and Discussion Group (TADG) Terms of Reference


The TADG consists of Transfusion Laboratory Managers and/or a representative from all hospitals within the East of England Regional Transfusion Committee (RTC).

Relevant NHSBT staff are invited to attend meetings and typically include representatives from Customer Services, RCI, Quality and Hospital Services plus others as required to disseminate and discuss information on specific topics.

Aims and Objectives

The aims of the group are to:

  • review and discuss local and national transfusion related topics to aid understanding and implementation at the hospital level.
  • review and discuss national and local transfusion service delivery issues with the aim of improving understanding between hospitals and the NHSBT and improving service delivery.
  • exchange support and advice with other members of the group and share good practice in order to promote safe, effective, appropriate transfusion practice of the highest quality and consistency

The group also feeds into the RTC, identifying topics for action, facilitating regional audits and providing expertise and advice on regional guidelines. The Chair of the TADG will submit a written report on the group’s activities to the RTC in advance of meetings.

At least one representative of the group should sit on the Regional Transfusion Team. One representative (plus a deputy) will represent the region on the National Laboratory Managers sub group of the National Blood Transfusion Committee (NBTC). These representatives should feedback information from these groups to the TADG as requiredM

Operational Matters

The group will aim to meet quarterly at a convenient location (usually the Cambridge Donor Centre)

Meetings will include:

  • review of NEQAS exercises
  • discussion of new guidelines
  • update on current issues relating to the NHSBT service provision to hospitals and blood transfusion in general
  • exchange of information, good practice or concerns from hospitals through individual hospital reports
  • topics of interest from outside speakers invited as appropriate
  • discussing Inspections/Assessments from MHRA/UKAS

Meetings will be chaired by a representative elected for a period of 2 years with the option to be re-elected for a further 2 years. A Vice Chair will be elected on the same basis.

The RTC Administrator will act as secretary for the group, when circumstances allow. Material deemed to be confidential will not be minuted. Relevant information may be circulated to members electronically as it becomes available between meetings.

Targeted working groups may be selected periodically from the TADG to work on specific projects.

These Terms of Reference will be reviewed every 2 years.

E of E Version 2. 06 January 2022. Currently under review.