Transfusion Practitioners - North East and Yorkshire


The purpose of the North East & Yorkshire RTPG is to promote safe, effective, and appropriate transfusion practice, in accordance with transfusion guidance and recommendations.


  • Promotion and sharing of learning experiences – good practice, incidents, events, reactions and near misses
  • Promotion of the TP role – locally, regionally, and nationally
  • Provision of regional TP representation at national meetings – feeding back to the RTPG when required
  • Provision of education – formal sessions, resources, feedback from local/national study days, and conferences
  • Reduction of professional isolation – regional networking and support for all members
  • Development of regional benchmarking data – local/regional/national audits


Open to North East and Yorkshire Transfusion Practitioners (TP), any health care professionals working in equivalent roles and the NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Patient Blood Management Practitioner for the region.

Secretarial support will be provided by the NHSBT RTC Administrator, minutes will be published on the JPAC website.

Frequency of meetings

There will be 4 meetings per year. Face to face meetings will be held in a central location, to facilitate attendance. Virtual meetings will be held via TEAMs.


Term of chair and deputy chair will be 3 years. Between chair and deputy, they are responsible for reporting actions back to the North East and Yorkshire RTC meetings. This can be completed by a designated representative if both are unable to attend.


A minimum of 11 North East and Yorkshire trusts/organisations to be present for the meeting to be quorate.