News for Transfusion Laboratory Managers

( 2 months 3 weeks ago )
The following NBTC documents have been reviewed by the national Transfusion Laboratory Managers Group and are now available in the NBTC Recommendations section 
(9 months 2 weeks ago)

The final project report for the use of O D positive red cells in adult males in trauma/major haemorrhage is now available on the Hospitals and Science website. Please click the following link to access:

(2 months ago)

An abstract submitted to SHOT outlining the development of the Transfusion Training Hub was awarded first place at this years SHOT symposium.  

(5 months 4 weeks ago)

The Transfusion Transformation Symposium was held on 10th June 2024 to discuss the next 5-year strategy for clinical and laboratory transfusion practice.