Terms of Reference for Transfusion Laboratory Managers (NBTC)


The primary purpose of this group is to promote safe and effective transfusion laboratory practice in hospitals under the direction of the National Blood Transfusion Committee (NBTC).

Another key role will be performance monitoring of the related services provided by the NHSBT.


The overall objective is to promote good laboratory transfusion practice by providing a framework to:

  • Channel information and advice to hospital transfusion laboratory personnel and Blood Services on best laboratory practice and performance monitoring with the aims of: -
    • Improving the safety of transfusion practice
    • Improving the appropriateness of blood transfusion by influencing the use of blood components and its alternatives
    • Promoting the highest quality laboratory standards and consistency in transfusion laboratory practice

Consider the requirement and need to consult with national and European groups developing technical and quality guidelines in transfusion laboratory medicine in order to determine and share best laboratory practice.

Establish processes to review the performance of the transfusion laboratory- related services provided by the NHSBT.

Identify transfusion laboratory service development needs.

To review NHBST service delivery change proposals and to advise on their impact on hospital transfusion laboratories.


The Working Group will cover the area served by the NHSBT i.e. England.

Where required the Working Group will collaborate with similar initiatives in the rest of the United Kingdom and in other countries in the EU.

The Group will consider and recommend training and educational activities through the RTC infrastructure and other professional groups.


Representatives to include: -


  • Transfusion Laboratory Manager representative from each RTC region
  • National Commissioning Group Representative


  • Head of Hospital Liaison NBS DDR representative NBS PTI representative
  • NBS Scientific & Technical training representative BSMS Manager
  • NEQAS representative (as required)

Working Arrangements

The Working Group will report and be accountable to the NBTC.

The chair and deputy will be elected by the members of the group and approved by the NBTC.

The membership and remit will be reviewed annually by the Executive Working Group.

There will be a minimum of two face to face meetings of the Group each year.

The secretariat for the Group will be provided by NHSBT.

Minutes of meetings will be provided to the NBTC and the members of the Working Group, and posted on the NBTC website.

The Group will prepare bi-annual reports for the NBTC on progress in achieving its objectives.

Outcome Measures

Development and monitoring of performance indicators for the NBS.

Delivery of shared information resources for scientific and technical personnel in quality management, transfusion laboratory training and competency.

Delivery of recommendations/guidelines for safer transfusion practice.