Transfusion 2024 - News

(1 month 2 weeks ago)

 The Transfusion Transformation Symposium will be held on 10th June 2024

(3 months 2 weeks ago)

Transfusion 2024 introduces the new Transfusion Training Hub, specifically designed to support education and training for all healthcare professionals working within Blood Transfusion and for anyone wishing to increase their transfusion knowledge.

(3 months 2 weeks ago)

Our QS138 Quality Insights audit tool has been shortlisted for the HSJ Digital Awards - Driving Change through Data and Analytics category. The award ceremony will be held in June 2024. 

(9 months 2 weeks ago)

The Transfusion 2024 hospital checklist is now available for you to download and amend to reflect the activities pertinent to your site. 

(1 year ago)

Are you signed up yet?

(1 year 2 months ago)

This event is now open for registrations. Transfusion 2024 aims to improve transfusion safety and outcomes for patients though a range of exciting projects.