Serology and Laboratory Techniques - Online Education

Online Education

London RTC Education Session - Rh variants and tricky transfusion: a case presentation
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - A transfusion laboratory perspective of Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Antibody Identification - is it a bunch of hocus pocus?
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Blood that is rare - Who, What and Where?
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Daratumumab: Implications in pre-transfusion testing
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Every minute counts - supporting safe release of blood components in an emergency
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Fantastic antibodies and how to find them
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Pan reactivity - When is an auto not an auto?
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Red Cell Immunohaematology case studies
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Red cell Immunohaematology: The C-urious Jka-se of Nocella Cellano
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - Using clinical simulation to improve major haemorrhage training
NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Transfusion Education and Discussion Group - various topics
South West RTC Education event: Transfusion Matters - Major haemorrhage and avoiding delays
South West RTC Education event: Transfusion Matters - Specific Requirements - Risks and consequences