Documents and Resources for Midlands

Hospital Transfusion Committee Chair’s Toolkit

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Midlands HTC Chair's Toolkit 246.13 KB

Midlands Pre-Hospital Blood Traceability Document

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Current version of the Midlands Traceability document for your information. 

Non- medical Authorisation Toolkit - 2023

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A package of guidance and template documents developed by the TP working group (formerly East Midlands RTC) to support non-medical authorisation for blood component transfusion in the region. This guidance covers clinical governance issues to protect practitioners and patients.

The Midlands RTC Objectives

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The Midlands RTC Objectives 2023-24

Attachment Size
The Midlands RTC Objectives 2023-24 54.61 KB

The Midlands RTC Objectives

Review date:

Midlands RTC Objectives 2023-24

Attachment Size
Midlands RTC Objectives 2023-24 54.61 KB